Professional Experience

Acceleration Robotics
Robotics Engineer
August 2023 - Present
Pune, India
Key Skills:
  • ROS 2
  • Nvidia Isaac Sim
  • Behavior Tree
  • Navigation
  • C++

Intel Edge Software Innovator
September 2023 - Present
Remote - India
Key Skills:
  • Intel OpenVINO Toolkit
  • Quantization
  • Large-Language Models
  • Transformers

Solaris Robots India
Robotics Software Intern
April 2022 - July 2022
Gurgaon, India
  • Trained Custom YoloV5 model for object detection on custom annotated dataset
  • Integrated YoloV5 model with OAK-D Lite camera for object detection and depth estimation
  • Converted YoloV5 model to TensorRT for inference in Jetson Xavier devices with GPU acceleration
  • Integrated Zed 2 camera with TensorRT object detection model for depth calculation of detected objects using Point Clouds
  • Integrated Point Clouds with ROS 2 Navigation for autonomous navigation and object detection
  • Developed Docker Images of TensorRT object Detection and Depth Calculation with Zed 2 camera for production-ready deployment on Jetson Xavier devices
Key Skills:
  • ROS 2
  • C++
  • TensorRT
  • Computer Vision

Tech-in-Farm, IIT Kharagpur
Research And Development Intern
November 2021 - April 2022
Remote - India
  • Developed software for getting weather conditions for a particular area using weather APIs
  • Implemented an algorithm for determining the amount of water required by plants using sensor data and deployed it in a Raspberry Pi 4
  • Developed a recommender system for getting the best-suited crops for growth based on weather and sensor data
Key Skills:
  • Python
  • Internet of Things
  • Machine Learning

Zarp Labs
Robotics Developer Intern
June 2021 - September 2021
Remote - India
  • Collaborated in the design and development of a Robot in Gazebo simulation
  • Implemented ROS-based Autonomous Navigation and Path Planning on the robot
  • Created a web UI dashboard for sending control signals using ROS
Key Skills:
  • ROS
  • Python
  • Simulation

Volunteer Experience

Robotics and Automation Club
January 2019 - December 2021
S University, Greater Noida, India
  • Facilitated sponsorships amounting to USD 600 from Texas Instruments and E-Yantra by the IIT Bombay
  • Conducted regular (weekly or bi-weekly) training sessions for a team of 10-12 students, and led workshops for groups of 50 students on a range of robotics skills such as programming, design, microcontrollers, and robot simulation
  • Represented the club in several national and international robotics competitions and managed logistics from registration to travel

Google Developer Students Club
Core Team Member
March 2019 - December 2020
S University, Greater Noida, India
  • Organized and taught in weekend classes encompassing fundamental machine learning, data structures, algorithms and computer vision concepts and skills to a group of 50 students
  • Guided students to participate and submit solutions in the annual Google Solutions Challenge
  • Taught classes for students in government schools as part of the Club

The Uplift Project
Machine Learning Mentor
June 2020 - August 2020
Remote - India
  • Conducted a 2-month online workshop on Machine Learning and Computer Vision
  • Guided students to document their projects on GitHub with proper documentation